4 Ways to Get Rid of Social Awkwardness in Your Child

When your child appeared to not get along with his peers at the very early age of 2, you may have assumed that he/she is just shy.

An additional 5 years later and now, he/she is 7 and the case has still not changed. Your child will not make eye contact with anyone.

 When you take them to the park or the arcade where other kids are mixing up and having a swell time, your child will rather sit in the corner all alone or better still be seated right next to you because you are all they have ever known.

Even when you take them to school, other kids may not be in a hurry  to leave yet because they were right down in the middle of ‘play business’ before their parents showed up and even when they bid goodbye to their friends, you can see the glint of excitement in their eyes.


But not yours. Yours is always at one corner of the classroom, waiting for you. No social life. No chance of catching him/her having a conversation with his classmate.

Is this your story? Do not worry, social awkwardness in children is not uncommon but at certain ages, if they are not taught otherwise, they may just grow into socially awkward adults which is not so great in a world that is fast growing and relies on relationships most times, for phenomenal results.

Here are a few tips to bring out the social butterfly in your kids.

Communicate with them

The first step to activating the social life in your kid is by actually practicing conversations. This simple act will warm them up to how a conversation ought to flow.

Before you step out with them, inform of them of what to expect at the event. This reduces the anxiety of social interaction when they eventually get there.

Communicating with them will help you understand your child’s communication patterns. Teach them empathy, compassion and how to treat people right in conversations.

Never underestimate the power of communication with your children.

Be their Model Social Butterfly

At their early formative ages, you as the parent have the most influence on your kids. It is easy for your kids to pick up your mannerisms- the way you gesticulate as you speak, the way you speak, and sometimes, even the way you walk.

You cannot be a socially awkward parent yourself and act shocked when your child turns out exactly like you. Your behavior have simply been mirrored.

How about you begin by being the social butterfly first? this should work wonders!

Encourage them to make Friends

After communicating with them, you must encourage them to practice. If they are not encouraged, this will build dependency on you as the parent.

They will become dependent on just communicating with you such that even when it is time to communicate with family and friends, they will look to you to help them get the words of their mouth or they may not even be able to communicate at all. You may be forced to respond ‘she is fine’ on her behalf to everyone, that asks her ‘how are you?’

Teach them the importance of building relationships. That may be the push the need to let their social butterfly fly.

Build their Confidence with Great Style

Nothing builds up a child’s confidence like their style. It may interest you to know that kids are twice as vain as you are.

They love the vanities of life, which in their world translates to trendy shoes, bags, accessories, latest toys and stylish outfits.

Children are sure to gravitate towards the kids that have the coolest stuff.

This is why we encourage you to make your kids the ultimate trendsetters with our range of premium quality stylish outfits.

Walk into our retail stores nationwide or simply shop here.

We hope with these few tips, you can help build the necessary social skills your child needs to make a difference in our big world.

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